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google vs. microsoft (ad removed from outlook sidebar...)


what is it with the %20's - makes this quote even more interesting?

Computers were so damned good at the manipulation of symbols, he cautioned, that there would be immense pressure on scientists to reduce all human knowledge and experience to abstract form.


How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, a New Book by Cory Doctorow | OneZero

How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, a New Book by Cory Doctorow | OneZero

- keep things open (and general purpose!)

of course ;)


 wouldn't it be nice

to have a way to discover and navigate between blogs

what could the measurement points be (hits, links to, likes, comments, ...)?

It's Not The First Monday

but FM2021 just out is
still doing it's thing 
(broad scope and sometimes quite bizarre foci) 

With the January issue, First Monday has published 2,007 papers in 296 issues, written by 2,887 different authors over the past 24 years!

Actually Wrote a Book Review in :-| First Monday back in 2003